Using one stamp simple wedding stationery can be achieved.
 WEDDING PLACE CARD: Stamp image to the left of your card and then score just short of half way across the card but not through your stamped image.  Using a craft knife cut around the top section of your stamped image down to the scored mark.  Fold card over at the scored mark for it to then stand.  Print guest names onto matching paper/card then frame and mount onto the place card.
 WEDDING INVITATION: It's hard to see from this scanned image but the card above is folded 3 ways.  The first 2 folds are the same size which is just short of the envelope width and height, the 3rd fold is the size of half of one fold, so when it is folded over on top of the 1st fold it tucks into the stamped image which has been cut with a blade around the righthand side of the stamped image.  
The word OUR WEDDING is stamped across the 1st fold and using a stamp positioner and some masking paper (ie. post it note) the 3rd fold is also stamped with OUR WEDDING but only the second half of the stamp appears. This then matches up when the card is folded together. 
To finish off secure folded card onto a backing piece of strong card (
which will then frame and support the folded card.
ENVELOPE: Don't forget to finish it off by stamping a matching envelope.

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