More craft ideas can be seen by clicking on the Archive "2008" link on the top righthand side of this webpage or at the bottom under "Old Posts".
Here are just a few of the girls that attended yesterday's / last night's craft marathon but a special thank you to all that came to attend or either visited - it was great to see so many happy faces. Once again a good time was had by all and another extremely late session. Lots of samples of items created have been posted below. ENJOY! If you have anything you'd like to add, please email to the below email address.
Just a little reminder that I am sending in a craft order to Kaszazz on Wednesday (29 Oct by 6pm), please ensure that all orders are emailed /- craftymarg@optusnet.com.au as soon as you can and I will then forward a confirmation of your order back to you.
The next Craft Marathon is due approximately the second week in February and will be confirmed early next year. Thank you to all who have attended over the last 3 years, I look forward to doing it all again next year. Cheers Marg
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