Next Craft Marathon Day has been rescheduled for Friday 24 October 2008 (second week back from school holidays). Cost is $15/person which includes the use of a large table (bookings essential as tables are limited, so don't delay contact me today). Start time is 9am until whenever which usually is in the wee hours of Saturday morning. BYO everything, doesn't matter what craft you are into as we are purely there to enjoy what we do, socialise and learn from each other. If you've got something to sell (new or used craft items) please feel free to bring it along. Once booked in a more detailed email will be sent out prior to the date. Hope you can make our last one for the year. Venue: Old District Hall Berowra (cnr of Crowley and Berowra Waters Road). RSVP: craftymarg@optusnet.com.au
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